Kir woke to the feeling of his own sweat, cold against his body.
He felt the thoughts of his companions. Concern. Relief. Fear.
And he felt the eyes of the Lake Spirit upon him, the snarl on her face held still and waiting.
Everyone started speaking at once, but it was the Lake Spirit's voice that silenced them all.
"Abomination. You dared touch the bones of my creator," her voice boomed in everyone's heads. "Were it not for the aid you and this one," she nodded to Kordia, "gave unto my child and I, I would have destroyed you while you lay sleeping."
Kir's thoughts rushed. He recalled the strike. The shield he'd tried to make. Her help. All he could think to say was "Thank you for sparing me... how can I make this right?"
"The light has carved deep around the mountain. My waters flow there now. The corpse of my maker is exposed. LET NONE TOUCH HER AGAIN."