Training camps

"Last test?!" Kayla's eyes widened when she read that. "With jungle points, you can buy weapons that you can take to the final test... So we can't use our weapons in the last test?!"

Kayla gulped, if what she was thinking was correct, then the academy was too evil. She could only find out because she had dedicated an hour of her time to reading a manual.

But she knew very well that it could take others two or three hours to read the same amount of information as her, so it was likely that only a few would be able to discover the same thing as her.

"Why do I feel like this is a test?" Kayla smiled bitterly. Little by little she was beginning to understand the academy.

But that being the case, she couldn't waste time anymore. She was someone who used multiple weapons at the same time, so she would have to spend quite a few points to fill her arsenal of weapons! She needed to know how to get jungle points!