Chapter 184 You Are Now My People

Hearing his explanation, Kisha breathed a sigh of relief, though her expression remained unchanged. Reeve now sat with his legs curled up to his chest, burying his face in them. Kisha sensed no malice from Reeve, and the Slave Contract didn't react either, indicating Reeve likely meant no harm and his words might indeed be true.

If Reeve were a traitor skilled in deception, the Slave Contract held sway over his soul and heart, preventing him from deceiving it. Even harboring the slightest malice towards her would trigger the contract's punishment.

Kisha crouched down to meet Reeve at eye level and gently patted his head. He seemed so young, perhaps as young as her own brother, Keith. Hearing his fears and worries, and understanding why he had fled to such a dangerous place for safety, softened her heart.