Chapter 203 Planting Seeds (by Duke)

They didn't need to make a special trip to the beach to see the sea; they could save that for another time. After entering and traversing the mountain, it took them hours just to settle into the space and begin farming.

She and Duke returned to the farmland to resume their tasks, and the back-and-forth was quite exhausting, taking them over five hours. Altogether, they had spent six hours inside the space by now, leading them to believe it was now afternoon only a few hours before the sunsets in the outside world.

They had been away from the Villa for too long. If their enemies noticed, it might raise suspicions. Kisha would rather have them think she and Duke were screwing each other in the forest than suspect something more dangerous. Six hours was too long to use as an excuse for them to screw each other, no matter how great Duke's stamina is.