Chapter 399 The Disparity

Seeing the Alabai dog calm down, Kisha cautiously approached the zombie from behind.

The dog continued to occupy most of the zombie's attention, skillfully dodging its attacks by jumping from side to side.

It was clear that the dog didn't want to harm its owner, instead, it seemed to be protecting something.

Whenever Kisha got too close, the zombie would sense her presence and turn to face her.

She hesitated, unsure if she could attack just yet, as she didn't fully understand the zombie's condition. Kisha knew she had to be extremely cautious.

Kisha quickly jumped back to avoid the zombie's claw. Instead of a full-on attack, the zombie seemed more defensive, reacting out of hunger rather than pure aggression.

From her observations, it was clear that the zombie wasn't intent on attacking but was driven by desperation.

Its behavior felt more passive-aggressive, and Kisha could almost understand its reluctance to fully engage.