Chapter 468 Sparrow's Group Vs Victor's Group 3

"Those who can still fight, keep pushing forward! Don't lose focus!" he commanded, his voice firm.

Turning to the others, he shouted, "Anyone wounded needs immediate attention—get them to the truck for treatment, then return here to support the line!"

Gradually, order returned to their ranks as those stunned by the sudden turn of events regained their composure and followed the professor's instructions.

They began pulling their wounded comrades out of the open, while launching counterattacks against the enemy, who had regained their firepower and confidence after Victor's ambush and was now relentlessly shooting at them.

Once they had pulled their comrades out of the open, they carefully made their way back to the trucks, lifting the injured up into the truck beds.

Evelyn helped position the wounded inside, supporting them as gently as possible, though pained grunts escaped them each time they were moved.