Alongside Kisha, the warriors unleashed their abilities with precision and intensity. Fireballs roared through the air, wind blades sliced through the undead, and earth spikes were hurled like javelins, striking with deadly force.
The soldiers, not to be outdone, held their ground and focused their gunfire on the zombies' heads, understanding the importance of conserving ammunition.
They knew that shooting anywhere else would be futile, so each shot was aimed with precision to ensure a clean kill.
High above in the watchtower, the snipers meticulously lined up their targets, delivering flawless headshots without fail, each one a testament to their skill and discipline.
Thanks to Kisha, the number of zombies outside the wall had significantly thinned. However, just as a glimmer of hope began to surface, another wave of undead surged from within the city, rushing to merge with the horde already gathered outside.