Chapter 634 Duke Was Even Better At...

The discovery excited her—unlocking the additional effects would make the set even more powerful and impressive.

Just as 008 had mentioned, it seemed her 'Luck Stat' played a significant role in allowing her to pull a full set in one go.

Of course, the fact that she did a hundred draws also increased the probability, but overall, several factors contributed to this outcome.

This was different from when she obtained the 'Erebus Cloak' or 'Kratos' Spear,' which were individual pieces of a set.

Now, she would need even more luck to acquire the remaining parts of those collections.

Kisha then checked the other items, hoping to find pieces that could complement a set for either Duke or herself.

She particularly liked the Erebus Cloak, which enhanced her stealth and could deflect critical attacks.

As she scrolled through the list, she did manage to find an addition to her set—but unfortunately, it was only one piece.