another idea for your main a character going finger 3

If anyone still reading this I am not proving this and take too much time and pretty much that put all my ideas on a piece of paper to make it easier for myself anywho there were days another story that got creamed my canceled before even get completed it was about a guy who pretty much have a dungeon originally inside of him but he found that pirate ship not just some difficulties he managed to turn the pirate ship into your own dungeon clarify him like the dungeon core move out he's on body and now lives inside the ship in my opinion it's very constant to begin with then afterwards he managed to add Rose to it to make it even better like legit indestructible like the ship itself mind you it for the repair and everything like that and virtually indestructible Gordon limitation like you can't make the dungeon that you crave too hard I ride the effects of work but I know you pretty much have free range and a guy meant to get all the way up to the part when the legit whole entire s*** have robotics seem like legs like spider legs I guess but you know seem like and legit about to climb over to a mountain to repair the damage core they got I'm hoping for someone to I don't know we created using my description or at least get wine laying down I mean not just that you also have a bunch of skeletons inside that s*** I'm saying s*** boats I'm going to say boats for now on because somehow the speech to text keeps saying thinking I am saying ships oh now you decide to work with me but you got what I'm saying here and you like get back on to this there are one when he names Katherine or something and he became a very strong captain what just along he's on the ship he became a pound but the first way is the week he gets they're 91 who was just a skull and the guy tried to regrow his head using another ability I meant he body like the rest of his body you can only have had but legit the head got into heavy and legit crash it just all due to the names they got it turns out whatever name every place on you a random fact will be added on to you based on the name I can't remember saying what their names are but based on the ability you can probably peach to and together