another idea for your main character 5

Anything that I would like to see more is a custom-made skills system like for base their example instead of simply leveling up you can either level up normally or you can use it to create skills abilities etc but only like skills I guess like wouldn't be cool if you could make a skill that pretty much make you unable to be killed in a certain way I meant like the whole thing had to be balanced don't get me wrong like the height of the scale the more expensive would be in the more powerful is the higher the price etc etc but you get what I'm saying here I say be very powerful and pretty interesting you have your car display all right and also even notice they're very few people to have do this so far I only found two people that do this one that prima have a dragon woman at the front of the book and another one that I called well cuz I made scale system if you understand what I'm saying here...