somebody that don't like

As you can tell it's something that I generally don't like any story and this is that's only one thing so trucks any who is I never really like story that take a long time to get to the actual ability like this one called something conqueror system or something like that I went through 8 chapters so far which sounds not very much but I swear it feels very long and so far in the main character they even have the ability yet and he supposedly supposed to be a genius but honestly I don't really feel like he is a genius the main point that I think I can do better in those situation like they were apart when he was after a couple of bad guys like heaping cheats by the bad guys and he's a kid but he didn't even know yet I know in my opinion it should be pretty obvious I'm at before that if I tell like going on and all that stuff I get a big complex but long story short pretty much the main character or tree pretty badly but the guy who treated him very badly his father have a very good reason why you see he been manipulated by other people and couldn't stop so he decided to quote and quote the song him in reality so now with some good stuff and for some weird reason the actual villain I guess besides he don't I meant to say she don't like him so he decided to send a couple of guys to eliminate him my he didn't even know he was hunted despite the fact antological respective it will be most likely that I mean I were in that situation most likely I would assume at the very least I'm going to be hunted but no he Damon assume I am a little bit so I'm assuming this by the author or clock my reasons but still bit annoying but the main don't give me here is I don't like it when the main character ability to take an awful lot of time like actually have a team multiple chapters to actually get it it gets a little bit annoying in my opinion.