weird dreams

I don't know if other people have this but sometimes I can somewhat predict the future by my dreams like there's certain things scenarios games etc that I dream of before they even created of course I never know about it all that stuff you know until it actually happens I meant don't get me wrong I always feel always appear eventually but usually take years apart before I actually appear like they were just wondering remember a game that was playing it pretty much high on life right down to the graphics it was before that game even was there but I never really say anything I mean I think about it don't get me wrong you just I never really act on it I guess if the world apparently is here is the spellular but you better not act on it situation kind of like a trailer pretty much who knows maybe I did got lucky a couple of times in my dreams managed to hit the mark who knows it's just interesting things that I know this over the years I want anyone else to have something like this maybe someone can create a story about a guy can detect the future situation it would be kind of interesting to see that