into complain about

I just realized what I hate mouse and certain mangra right that was called mangra and who cares by this point any who there it is mangra I guess I don't know what the name is but pretty much a low ranking doctor from the amount of world by way managed to found a AI companion that managed to fuse with him allowing him to become one the best surgeons pretty much now then let me give you some background the guy in my opinion isn't arrogant mommy one drop and the reason why I dare say this is and why this is important is well everything he does it back up by well logic now hit the thing that I hate most is the villains or obstacles I guess I should say because all of the main characters guys either have a stupid reason why they want to go out to him which usually is he doing better than me even though I have more experience now I'm angry thing with remind you they could easily do the sexing thing and they're just focused and do their own work not paying attention to him in the first place and not trying to actively sabotage him like they were just one part when the main villain go back in a childhood a whole motivation is to make his father happy despite all what he did now I know for Chinese culture sure did spring my soul bloody comment it pretty much Adriana Forest situation but the way he acted like it that guy legit turn was once a actual passion into well a curse pretty much I'm trying to say he is this story has the most stupidest reasons why they're going after the main character like are the reason cultivation novels they're not trying to cover it and four wheelers down to I'm angry at you because my own pride won't allow otherwise situation but this one it's just spoiled terrible night marriage they don't even have the bloody excuse of the reason why I married again because my parents teach me as such they legit had the bloody internet that they can let you go on Google or YouTube or many other devices similar to say in many cases it end up in burning flames when this happens the main character legit and did a whole terminal reference that show have a whole entire page of arrogant people are stupid and still they're at like they're never even understand the concept of it it's so bloody stupid so too bad thing down I hate when the villains are bloody stupid to put out simply I hate it a lot especially when they have no actual reason why they're going after him like the guy is playing on to leave the company that the villains work at you would think that would be a good thing it would be actually beneficial but no they're stalking they feel angry about it it's stupid I made some crown out it's like you're getting angry for a pain in the butt to leave you like you want the pain in the butt to stay so bloody stupid so play dumb just make me wonder my phone like there show it but I never really understand to pray that assembly they have many sources fictional born on fishing Bass but they're still at some poisonous like legit the main villain goes out to her father to ask for help think about it the villain who whole reason why they even choose is path it talking to another person who calls said trauma stupid like for prayer wild even if in a Chinese respective of don't make your parents disappoint you you should have at least don't go talking to them unless they first talk back especially for what they all did to you if so it is such a low percentage no person will have to deal with it unless you are nightmarishly unlucky because I don't want to see that stuff you're too far I'm so excited maybe someone events in like I don't know a group section for all the doctors who grow attachment to a injured person I guess who passed away it would be way better than simply shutting yourself over way just dumb and if you don't understand by now I am very angry right now I'm still talking even though it long pass 700 by now if anyone actually meant to read this or even understand what is going on clean up for me and post your own book or whatever because I'm just playing angry just so angry about this stupid way to use it Mike at the very least make the character accidentally we did something actually bad even if you by accident don't this make as such that the guy did a good thing but the other person just angry because they did your job even though you haven't even try doing your job once again it just dumb and who I better stop talking the chances of someone actually trying to read this so bloody love to be getting with I'm pretty much making myself a diary it better than not having anyone see this plus I'm not like I'm saying anything bad or wrong....