I want a book like that I honestly on that so badly just the potential of it alone oh I would almost give everything for it (note I did say almost give everything) to have that just the potential alone I would love to read more books like that but the only ones I know of that have a concept like (either too short to even watch or I remember at the very least) number one in the first one that I personally read is called "custom-made demon King" number two is "Lord of dreams"(I believe it is called) number three "book of dreams and nightmares" number for "something called dragon evolution or something like that?"(Pretty much at the beginning the ability were like custom-made demon King where instead of eating souls he eats biomass but the guy today reset but didn't reset it he just continues the story without cancel it forcing readers to read the beginning at the middle of their story really don't like that) And that's all I currently remember right now anywho if you can trade more books like these I would be appreciate with it please