MingHao's Decision

MingHao's breath caught. His hands tensed around the sword. His heart pounded violently in his chest. He turned to his cousin. Their cousin. Someone who had lived in the same household as them. A spoiled, useless brat—but still family. His body refused to move. MingYue sighed again. "Just as I thought." Her tone wasn't disappointed Just matter-of-fact. "You have a kind heart, MingHao." She met his wavering gaze. "But out here That kind of softness will get you killed." Her voice sharpened. "If you can't do this, then stay behind. Because from now on, there's no room for hesitation."

The Young Master choked on a sob, his body trembling even harder. Because this time It wasn't just fear of MingYue. It was fear of the blade in MingHao's hands. And the terrifying possibility That he might actually use it. They couldn't fight back since the chains binding them were made with a special formation that prevented them from using any Qi.