Going to the Association

But Alex knows that in the future, members from the Suzaku Guild will make up the core members of the Vampire race. After all, based on information from Vesa, pure-blooded vampires cannot be put under a slave contract.

Alex also spent time learning some basic movements to use a hammer as a weapon, using a manual from MingYue's world. 

He also improvised on it with modern knowledge to optimize the movement, but halfway through, he stopped because he got stuck. 

It's possible to optimize the movement set, but at the same time, this makes it very hard to use secret techniques. Every motion is experimented with and polished over many generations to ensure the flow of qi moves in a certain pattern to activate the secret art.

This made Alex need to choose his basic art carefully since he needed to polish it over time. It's either that, or he abandons the thought of using secret techniques until he reaches something like the immortal stage.