Looking For the Fairy

"The Fairy were forced into slavery without any appreciation. They needed to work every day without even getting paid for it. 

The work conditions were harsh. While they slaved away, their queen instead lived a luxurious life, not needing to work or lift her finger. 

She was even rarely seen in the populace, leaving them to face all the hardship alone. 

Every month, they would have a big target; if they couldn't fulfill it, they would then meet with brutal punishment. 

Oh yeah, the drunken man also said that one day, a leader rose among the civilians and overthrew the King and queen, giving freedom to the fairies."

Alex frowned upon hearing this; it's basically a brainwashing tactic spread around the citizens to paint a picture that fairies were miserable creatures and deserved to be rewarded for all the injustice that happened to them.

"Does the story describe the leader?"