Rook the Skeleton

The wine poured into his skeleton, passing through the empty body and wetting the legs. 

The skeleton then clicked his jaw, "I forgot I cannot taste the wine," he said with annoyance, as the atmosphere around him changed again.

'Is that even the problem here? In the first place, why are you even trying to drink wine with that body?' MingYue thought.

Her amber eyes then looked downward toward the wine cup; she could smell the strong alcohol aroma coming from it. 

Without touching it, she returned her gaze back toward the skeleton. "Should I call you ancestor too?"

"KAKAKA! What Ancestor? Just call me Rook. I already told Lin to call me by name, too, but she keeps insisting on calling me Ancestor."

"Of course, I need to give respect to those older than me," Lin Fang replied.