
Alex cautiously approached, making sure he was still breathing. MingYue stood close by, her expression unreadable. 

After some checking, Alex was sure the man was knocked out. He then took some of the man blood sample with syringe.

"And you complained when I suggested putting him inside awe cube."

"This is different. I'm just taking sample to get more information on him."

MingYue sighed and didn't respond further. In her perspective taking blood is no different than Awecube. 

There are many thing that could be done with blood like that. For example putting curse or locating the blood owner.

Of course it won't work with just any blood, it need a clean one that taken directly from the body.

"Should we move him?" MingYue asked.

"No, it's better to wake him up here."

The anesthetic was quite potent. On a normal awakener, it could knock them out cold for an hour, but Alex didn't want to wait that long.