House of Duskmire

Unlike other grassroots classes, some people in this city often interact with the royalty, as they have already gotten used to them; they are not that afraid since even among the royalty, there are those who are kind to people like them.

'Just how could such a kind and good woman give birth to such arrogant kids?' the man continued protesting in his mind.

Elvira entered the mansion and was greeted by a man in a black tailcoat who respectfully bowed.

Despite clearly being an elf, Elvira nodded at him, her expression softening.

"Young lady, did something happen? You look flustered."

"I am alright, Alfred. How about mom?"

"Still in the same condition."

Elvira let out a sigh, her usual haughtiness disappearing, replaced by worry. 

If anyone who knew her now saw this, they would be surprised. She was famous for her cold expression.

"My stupid brother?"