World's Core

"If you don't want to make any trouble, then come with me. Look, if I wanted to kill you, I would already do it. 

Do you think I will not be able to capture you like those two stupid wolves?"

While William ruminated on his choice, back at the castle, Alex and MingYue were planning their next move.

"Now that Talia has left, I think we should take the people in this world with us, Alex," MingYue suggested.

"We can only select a few. There are too many people, and how many could we even hold? My world is not an option. 

The only place we could bring them is your secret realm. But the place isn't stable yet. 

Suddenly having a huge influx of population will become a problem, not to mention the lack of land."

"Don't worry, King and Queen, now that I have started recovering my power, I also have a new ability. 

Do both of you still remember Edonia?"