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"Exactly because of that. No matter how much money is spent to expand, it will never be enough.

These people bribe the security with all their wealth so they can stay here. 

Even though life is hard, they feel they are safer with how close the hunter association is."

Seeing the many kids and men, MingYue asked, "Why don't you recruit them then?"

"It's not that simple, MingYue. Even if our purpose is good, if we recruit all of them, it will become a problem. 

Some will start bad rumors saying our guild forces refugees to become soldiers, even though they never lend a helping hand. 

Also, it will be a huge investment until they can become self-sufficient."

"Wait, you want to help someone by giving them a path to survive, and yet there will still be someone who curses you for doing it?"

"Yes, that is just how my world is."