Combined Attack

Quartz meanwhile moved toward the lotus petals that blocked the area. Her feet dug into the ice as her body crouched down, preparing to jump.

Like a tightly coiled spring, her muscles contracted with explosive power. She then leaped forward, kicking the spear with incredible force.


The spear pierced through the air with a deafening boom. As this happened, Isolde imbued it with wind to lower the friction and enhance the speed.

Frost's aura started spreading from MingYue. With a gesture of her hand, part of the lotus petal turned into a chain, binding the transformed Dragari down.

From the outside, the chain looked like MingYue could manipulate part of the lotus at will, but in reality, this was not the case. 

The chains were made from ice mixed with her blood. She was still not at a level where she could manipulate everything that easily.
