Zephyr Clan

But Pi's thinking changed when the tragedy struck. 

After the clan became wealthy and forgot about the people who still fought on the frontline, they became arrogant and conceited. 

Within just a few generations, they started forgetting their own clan roots, resulting in inner conflict.

The patriarch's own brother sold the clan's secrets to their enemy, the Zephyr Clan. What happened next is history.

For Alex, it was just the usual troupe. The Blaze clan had been decimated, and all their wealth was stolen.

Based on Pi's story, it was a very tragic day. The women were used in front of their men and then killed. Elderly, children, none were spared.

"No one cares about this? Everyone just allows another clan to pillage as they want?" Alex asked. 

Based on what he knew so far, despite the inner conflict, there should still be some semblance of communication between each clan.