
As he expected, after some time, the man's presence completely disappeared.

'Since they already have this but still don't dare to attack, this could only mean either their strength is on par with the Midnight clan, or this operation is done with multiple clans…'

Alex then left the courtyard area, returning back to his house.

The guard gave a bow while the woman was sitting in meditation.

"You are back, sir. Where is Sir Moria?"

"I don't know, probably returning back to his place. Anyway, what are both of you doing here? Don't you need sleep?" Alex asked.

He knew cultivators could last a long time without eating or sleeping, but he just wanted to make some small talk.

"Don't worry, sir. We are just doing our task."

"I see…" Alex turned his gaze toward the exit. "Is the security normally this tight, or did something happen?"