Young Master?

Luca sighed and decided to drop the topic for now. 

In the end, her son was already an adult; how he lived his life was up to him. 

She still didn't want Alex to cause any tragedy, but now her worry for his life overwhelmed all other thoughts.

No matter what her own personal feelings were, if things came to shove, Luca would never have thought twice about burning the world for her two beloved children.

Emily was in a daze hearing what MingYue said; the concept of World Domination was something that was far away for her. Even with how much she knew about their strength, Emily still thought this was an impossible task.

Zold, who had listened to everything in silence, had different worries. "What will happen to the Suzaku Guild then? If Sir Alex wages war with the association, won't our guild also be impacted? What will all of us do then?"

"This is the same as I told Aunt. You should hear it from Alex's own mouth."