
He also learned cultivation like him, and his progress was far faster. Zold couldn't tell how much his depth was as he barely made a move.

He still had a trump card, but Zold decided to keep it for the worst-case scenario, just in case the conflict escalated.

"Stop acting like this, father. If you keep silent, then I will think everything she said was true."

"What Aria said is not wrong. Edward is looking to capture me now," Silva said in a flat tone.

"Just stop it already, Silva. Now is not the time for you to try to teach your son." The man that watch on the sideway suggested.

"What would you know? Every moment is a time to teach your kids."

"You know what? Talking with you is really tiring, Luca is here now. 

You do know what will happen if she meets with the current Edward?"

"It doesn't matter. Since my son has already met Aria, Edward is already prepared.