
"Well, since it works, let's just capture some, and don't think of taking a break till we finish this city. I want to quickly go to the central region," Xue Fang said while beginning to walk away from the area.

It didn't take long for them to find the place, as Xueqi's Ancestor was showing the way.

In front of them now was a huge swamp. It was famous as a dangerous area in the past, making everyone stay away from it.

Not only was it poisonous, which could even numb low-realm cultivators, but the water also had some weird features that made it act like quicksand.

The moment someone entered the water, they would get pulled inside, drowning them in the process.

If there were still some good natural resources, people would come to this place, but with the barren qi in the suburb, nothing good enough to justify the level of risk grew here. Hence, people avoided this place.