Xue Fang's Ambush

Who knows, even the whole cultivation system could be transformed, making it accessible for everyone in BaiYue sect.

As the place was cleaned up, Xue Fang finally finished her preparations.

At the ritual spot, one of the golden core elders' faces turned into a frown. Despite the people there acting leisurely, they still did routine reports to make sure everything was alright.

He tried to contact them and started thinking something was amiss.

"You, go and check the city lord's mansion, make sure everything is alright."

The sect member was standing in a daze as there was nothing he needed to do there, but hearing the elder's words, he quickly turned alert, "Yes, elder."

He didn't even ask questions and left. But this weirdness didn't pass the other elders.

"What is wrong?"

"Yeah, why would you need to check that place?"

"It's been a while since their last report, so I just need to make sure."