
Marshal, a name that was kept secret to the point only some of the world leaders knew about him. A tall figure with long hair that floated in mid-air, an aura of madness and chaos that always surrounded him. Why was he kept in the world's most secured and unknown cell, M CAGE, only for one man?

The answer lay in the shadows of a classified history, whispered among the highest echelons of power. Marshal, once an operative of unparalleled skill, had become a living enigma, an embodiment of both awe and dread. His actions had transcended conventional understanding, leading to a decision to confine him in M CAGE, a facility designed to imprison the most dangerous individuals.

M CAGE stood as a fortress buried deep beneath the earth's surface, concealed from the prying eyes of the world. Its existence known to only a select few, the facility was a testament to the lengths governments would go to control the uncontrollable.

The man responsible for Marshal's confinement, known only as Director Moros, held a position shrouded in secrecy. As the overseer of M CAGE, Moros had dedicated his life to understanding and containing the anomaly that was Marshal. The chaos that Marshal could unleash was a threat to the delicate balance of power on a global scale.

Within the confines of M CAGE, Marshal's abilities were neutralized through a combination of advanced technology and mystical wards. His cell, a chamber devoid of natural light, resonated with an eerie silence. The air itself seemed to vibrate with suppressed energy, a testament to the power held within the incarcerated figure.

Director Moros, a man of calculating intellect and a mastery of the arcane, monitored Marshal's every move from the facility's command center. The decision to keep Marshal isolated wasn't merely a matter of security; it was a calculated move to prevent the release of forces that could plunge the world into anarchy.

But right now Director Moros was watching something else through the screen. Marshal have vanished from everyone's eyes. In the moonlit port, there were pursuers of Marshal their naval team, a response team, and foreign naval ships that were arriving close to them like death nearing them, a war could break through this. Everything was out of hand and was on the brink of collapsing and still, Marshal was nowhere to be seen. Director Moros was in shock.

"Oh God.." he said.

Director Moros stared at the screen, his usually composed demeanor now marred by disbelief and a tinge of fear. The chaos unfolding at the moonlit port had caught everyone off guard, especially the sudden disappearance of Marshal. The very fabric of control Moros thought he had over the situation was unraveling.

As the tension in the control center reached its peak, a realization dawned on Director Moros. "It was never about containing him; he was containing himself," he muttered under his breath. The revelation sent shivers down Moros's spine. For a decade, the world had believed they held Marshal captive, but it was Marshal who wielded the reins over his own imprisonment.

The enigma of M CAGE, once thought impenetrable, now revealed a deeper layer of mystery. It wasn't just a prison; it was a self-imposed exile, a cage fashioned by the very individual it was meant to confine. The implications of this revelation echoed through the dimly lit corridors of the underground facility.

Moros, a man accustomed to navigating the intricate webs of power, now found himself ensnared in the machinations of an anomaly he had underestimated. The moonlit port, the naval forces converging, and the absence of Marshal – all were pieces of a puzzle that led back to the enigmatic figure at the heart of M CAGE.

The night ends as if within a blink of an eye. But among all this where was Marshal? 

1986, Street of Lumoria. 

Everyone was busy reading the newspapers and the recent rumors of a war-breaking between the two countries spread like wildfire. The streets were dazzling with people. But what was, even more, wilder than that news was a figure that appeared at the heart of Lumoria, a figure that none could have ignored, in a sleek black suit, his hair floating mid-air, and the scent of this male being was aromatic enough to entangle the whole street of Lumoria.

It was Marshal, the enigmatic figure who had seemingly emerged from the shadows of classified confinement into the bustling world of Lumoria. The people on the Street of Lumoria, initially absorbed in their daily lives, were now captivated by the presence of this mysterious man. His aura, a blend of madness and chaos, seemed to weave a spell over those who caught a glimpse of him. The whispers of the ongoing geopolitical tensions faded into the background as all eyes turned to the unexpected visitor.

Marshal, aware of the attention he garnered, moved with an otherworldly grace through the crowded street. His red eyes glowed subtly, capturing the curiosity and awe of onlookers. The air around him seemed to ripple with a suppressed energy, hinting at the unrestrained power that had been confined for so long.

At the same time when the streets were talking about this mysterious man that arrived in Lumoria, the University Of Lumoria The Heart, Chairmwomans Room

"Madam, it seems like the person has arrived"


The Chairwoman of the University of Lumoria, a woman known for her sharp intellect and keen intuition, sat behind a large mahogany desk. The room was adorned with academic achievements, prestigious awards, and shelves lined with volumes of knowledge. As her assistant conveyed the news, the Chairwoman leaned forward, her piercing gaze fixed on the information.

"Let's greet him," she said. She stood up and went out of the room. On the other hand, Marshal was walking straight towards the heart of Lumoria with whispers behind his back, The University of Lumoria, a bastion of knowledge and enlightenment, stood tall with its imposing architecture. Marshal approached the entrance, the whispers of the crowd behind him were replaced by a hushed anticipation. The Chairwoman, a figure of authority and intellect, stepped out to greet this mysterious visitor. Marshal, his presence commanding attention, looked at the Chairwoman. His red eyes met hers, and for a moment, the air seemed charged with an unspoken understanding. The Chairwoman, undeterred by the aura of madness that surrounded Marshal, extended a welcoming hand.

"Welcome to the University of Lumoria," she said with a calm demeanor that belied the storm of questions brewing within her mind. "I am Chairwoman Seraphina. We have been anticipating your arrival."

Marshal took her hand delicately without knowing anything. "You are the new teacher that was appointed from higher ups right?" Seraphina added. 

Marshal was taken aback and confused by her words. With the reaction of Marshal's facial, Seraphina was taken aback too, there was supposed to be unspoken understanding, but now it was all about unspoken confusion. "Huh?" Marshal responded with total confusion in his head, "Eh?" Seraphine could not help it either.

The handshake lingered in an awkward silence, both Marshal and Chairwoman Seraphina exchanging puzzled glances. The streets of Lumoria, which had been captivated by the unfolding drama, now witnessed a moment of confusion at the entrance of the esteemed university.

"I apologize if there's been any misunderstanding," Chairwoman Seraphina said, trying to regain composure. "You are Marshal, correct? The new teacher appointed by the higher-ups?"

Marshal, still perplexed by the unexpected turn of events, nodded slowly. "I am Marshal, but I am not a teacher. My presence here is not part of any academic appointment."

The confusion deepened as Seraphina's sharp intellect attempted to make sense of the situation. The whispers from the crowd intensified, adding an additional layer of intrigue to the encounter. It was a dance of uncertainty in the heart of Lumoria, where the enigmatic collided with the academic.

"If you're not here as a teacher, then why..." Seraphina's sentence trailed off as she pondered the implications. The pieces of the puzzle weren't fitting together as neatly as she had anticipated. 

Marshal was still standing enigma, his sharp keen eyes observing Seraphina. 

Seraphina while thinking of the situation noticed the back of Marshal. It was crowded at the gate of the university with the people of Lumoria. Seraphina looked at Marshal "Let's..." Before she could finish her words she noticed the figure of Marshal she hadn't noticed since they had been talking before. She saw how he was staring at her with his sharp keen eyes. "...go inside first" 

Seraphina, deciding to address the mystery at hand later, gestured for Marshal to enter the university. The enigmatic figure moved gracefully, his every step resonating with an otherworldly aura. The crowd, still caught in the allure of the unexpected visitor, watched as Marshal entered the hallowed halls of Lumoria.

As they stepped inside, the grandeur of the university unfolded before them. Marble pillars, adorned with the wisdom of countless scholars, lined the corridors. The air carried a scent of aged knowledge, and the quiet murmurs of students engaged in scholarly pursuits provided a backdrop to the unfolding intrigue.

Seraphina led Marshal through the labyrinthine corridors, her mind buzzing with questions that demanded answers. The enigma that Marshal represented, coupled with the mysterious circumstances of his arrival, hinted at a narrative that transcended the ordinary.

In a secluded chamber, away from the prying eyes of curious onlookers, Seraphina finally turned to Marshal. "Now, would you care to explain, Marshal?" she inquired, her gaze piercing through the layers of secrecy. "You're not here as a teacher, yet you arrive with an air of significance. What brings you to the heart of Lumoria?" 

"I just happened to be here" Marshal responded with a smile that added more confusion at hand.

Seraphina, though puzzled by the ambiguous response, sensed that unraveling the enigma of Marshal would require patience and a delicate approach. The air in the secluded chamber carried the weight of unspoken truths, and the shadows seemed to dance around the mysterious figure.

"Just happened to be here?" Seraphina echoed, raising an eyebrow. Knowing nothing about the person in front of her made things even worse. But Seraphina was worried about something else, "They were supposed to send us a teacher for the upcoming combat competition ahead.." she murmured. Marshal's gaze was going around the chamber looking at every detail. Marshal glanced at Seraphine and saw how worried and desperate she was.

The door to the chamber creaked open, and a professor entered, seemingly oblivious to the unfolding mystery. "Ah, Chairwoman Seraphina, I heard we have a new teacher. Welcome to Lumoria, sir!" the professor greeted, extending a hand towards Marshal.

Marshal reciprocated the gesture, his demeanor remaining composed. "Thank you. I appreciate the welcome," he replied.

The professor, unaware of the undercurrents that surrounded the enigmatic figure, continued, "We've been preparing for the combat competition, and having someone with your expertise will undoubtedly be beneficial. Shall we discuss the details?"

Seraphina glanced at Marshal, her eyes expressing a silent question. The convergence of expectations, mysteries, and the looming competition created a tapestry of uncertainty within the heart of Lumoria.

"Of course, Professor," Marshal replied, his tone measured. "I am here to contribute in any way I can."