Faith struggled furiously against her bindings, doing her best to release herself from her bindings and at the same time, looking at Priad and cursing him for putting her in this.
"Damn you, Priad. This isn't over. I'll get out of here and then...Arrgh!"
Before she can finish her sentences, the automatic suppression system of the straight jacket she is wearing gives her a strong electrocution, causing her to lose her strength and collapse on the ground.
Faith breathed heavily, gasping while struggling to remain awake. As she takes one more look at Priad and 553, her vision becomes blurry and the sounds become muffled.
She could see that something was going on outside, but couldn't make out or have the strength to hypothesize what it was. Until the drowsiness finally overtook her and she returned to her peaceful nap once again.
"Priad, calm down"
553 was holding back Priad from behind him as he furiously tried to open the cell to check on Faith.
"It's just the automatic suppression system. She's still fine. Resist it"
After some struggle, Priad finally calmed down. The voices inside his head finally disappeared.
"Sorry. I...Almost lost myself"
553 sighs and lets go of Priad "You already proposed a dangerous idea again. Don't freak out and go back on your word"
"I won't" Priad shook his head as he straightened himself "Come on. There's a lot we gotta prepare"
As the dust settled, the two walked away from Faith's cell, heading towards the exit of the holding cells. Once they left, they found a hidden corner outside to discuss some things.
"So, what's the plan?"
"We need to find out more about the coming battle and what we're missing out on. I'm going to find out more about the Fallen Princess. I need to know what she's capable of and how well she'll perform in battle"
"I'm guessing you want me to find out about General Arundor"
"Not just him" Priad crossed his arms and leaned on the walls "There's another that I need you to look into. If I'm right, she might be the key to winning the upcoming battle"
553 raised his eyebrows "Who do you have in mind?"
"Lieutenant Harkins"
"Her? But why...Wait a minute" Something began to click inside 553's head as he realized something.
"Harkins is..."
"The same last name of General Konrad's personal assistant" Priad gave a devious smile "You see where I'm going with this?"
"It's pretty risky you know"
"That's why it had to be perfect. Find out anything you can about her"
"You're giving me the hard work as always"
553 put on his helmet and walked away. Usually, troopers such as 553 would never complain when given any sort of hard task. Yet only Priad had managed to strike 553's nerves to make him feel this way.
And so they both went their separate ways, each carrying out their respective task as part of their preparation for the battle ahead.
It only took the entire day for Priad to gather all of the information he needed on all three people of interest.
As he rested on one of the private quarters for the troopers, a familiar face showed herself next to him.
"You look like you've been quite busy"
Priad, sitting on the bed reading the datapad, didn't even bother to give Norion a look as she appeared behind him, grabbing onto his shoulders and leaning towards him.
"We're always busy. Unlike you who's been quiet all this time"
"Oh, would you like me to talk to you every now and then?" She chuckles teasingly "I didn't realize you were lonely without me"
Priad scoffs "I got plenty of people to talk to here. I'd rather not be taken as crazy for talking to myself"
"Fair" Norion raised her head slightly as she looked at the datapad "Still, I'm impressed you found this much already. I thought you needed my help to accomplish this"
"I'm not that weak and dependent. If I were, I would have been dead long ago"
On the datapad, there was information about the three people that Priad wanted. General Arundor, a veteran Akadian General whose achievements were great, and the other two whom Priad had the most interest in.
The first was Liliana Harkins. She was not only a Lieutenant but was supposed to be the heir of the Harkins corporation, one of the weapon manufacturing companies within the Akadia Empire. As his hunch was correct, she was indeed the sister of the previous Harkins who had served as General Konrad's assistant.
Liliana's sister had gotten into a lot of political problems during her service. Thanks to this, the Harkins' reputation was severely affected, making Liliana and the rest of the family seek fortune out on the battlefield.
Despite this being the perfect opportunity for Priad to make a deal with Liliana, he will need more bargaining chips in order to get her to his side.
As for the second one, it was a familiar foe. An old enemy that Priad had once fought against.
Priad chuckles nostalgically, as if he is reminiscing some old friendship "So, you've made it into the Federation army"
"You two have a history together?" Norion then pressed her chest further into Priad's back.
Despite Priad feeling the softness of her chest, it didn't bother him at all. Priad had never felt such a touch, which made him not as sensitive as a regular man. The same goes for every trooper like him.
"We both fought once. She was commanding a few highly trained warriors and I only have a handful of regular troopers"
"Despite being a small skirmish, it was a pretty hard battle. We both took heavy casualties and neither of us won"
"A stalemate. Impressive" Norion then smiled "It appears that the upcoming battle will be easier for you"
"On the contrary, it will be challenging. Especially since she has this..."
He then shows Norion the datapad and points to the Princess's part of the information page.
The goddess stopped leaning on him and sat next to him. She crosses her legs and leans back a little, amused by how far Priad has learned.
"One of the 9 holy swords, Blazefury"
"Signifying that she is one of the champions of the goddess" Priad's gaze turns to her terrifyingly "Your champion"
Norion in turn wasn't intimidated and replied with a smile "But not my vessel. Yes, I did bestow upon her a portion of my power. She will have the power that would be equal to an Alf templar"
Despite the knowledge that he had uncovered sounding grim, it didn't bother him in the slightest. Near-death experiences and battles against stronger enemies have been the entirety of his life. But what is concerning to him now is Norion's part in all of this.
"What exactly do you want? You pick me, one of the enemies of your followers, to become your vessel. Yet you have champions and even gave them their powers"
Norion fell silent for a few moments, standing up from the bed and standing in front of Priad nonchalantly with her hands behind her back.
"I want freedom" The goddess then plays with her hair "There's not enough time to explain this now, but in short, I do not possess my full power, and not everything that is happening with my worshippers is true. To free me, you must reach where I currently am now"
"Niolia?" Priad continued.
She then turns around, looking directly at Priad while keeping her relaxed figure "You seek a life and purpose outside of war. If you would help free me, then I will do everything in my power to help you achieve your dream"
"And if I don't?"
"I will leave you alone. You and everyone here will die, either in this battle or another. You're fighting a losing war, and I'm your only chance of getting you through all of it"
He gave it a thought, remaining silent as thinking of what he should do, thinking of any alternatives. But with the reality of the war and his chances of surviving, there wasn't much of a choice. With a sigh, Priad answered her.
"You watch my back and I'll do my best to reach Niolia. Got it?"
Norion gave a relieving smile, satisfied and happy with Priad's cooperation "I understand. Thank you, Priad"
Even though Priad could tell that her expression seemed genuine, he still couldn't help but raise his suspicion of her. Not all of her words sounded true and it seems that he'll have to plan for her as well.
For now, the upcoming battle will have to be his main focus.
"Time to get started"
Priad gets up, closing the datapad before putting it inside the drawer next to his bed. Then he put on his helmet, leaving his room with confidence as he began making his preparations. As he left, Norion didn't follow him and simply remained there, disappearing out of sight.