A Cautious Approach

The approaching Federation fleet had hundreds of ships warp-jumping towards the newly discovered planet Hakona. Despite being weaker and smaller than the Akadian counterparts, their ships were many and vastly outnumbering the Akadian fleet that orbits Hakona. Every man on board was confident in this battle, believing that an easy victory would be achieved, and a new ally would be added to the Federation's cause to stop Akadia's tyranny.

Among the Federation soldiers participating in this battle is a young girl with blue hair and blue eyes. She is wearing her blue Federation uniform and practicing her sword-fighting skills in the training chamber of their capital cruiser.

With quick precision, she disposed of the simulated Akadian troopers around her. Fighting whatever formation and strategy they throw at her.

After some time of slicing off the simulated enemies, she wipes her sweat off while sheathing her sword.

"End Simulation!"

The enemies disappear, leaving her alone inside the chamber.

The blue-haired girl wiped her sweat as she walked towards a chair near the entrance of the training chamber. She sat there as she took a break from her training session.

The door then opens, and a can of cold drinks touches the girl's cheeks, surprising her with the cold sensation.

"Would you like a drink, Alisha?" The girl at the door offered with a monotone voice and emotionless look. 

The emotionless girl who offered her the drink is a Proto named Friday. She had crimson red eyes and white hair. Despite appearing to be more human, she had several features that seemed robotic. Such as the circuit lights that can be seen on her skin. She is also incapable of expressing emotions or changing the tone of her voice.

"Thanks, Friday" The blue-haired girl replied with a smile while taking the can of drink from the emotionless girl.

The blue-haired girl is Alisha Sturn, commonly known by both her allies and enemies as "The Fallen Princess". From her distinct blue eyes and blue hair, it was easy to tell that she was from Pirusia, a nation that had fallen to Akadia's invasion during the early days of the war.

Alisha was formerly the princess of Pirusia and the heir to their throne. Pirusia is a nation of strong and honorable warriors who were among the first to oppose Akadia's lust for war. Although they allied with the Federation, it was not enough to stop Akadia from destroying them.

The destruction of Pirusia was devastating. Akadia's army killed the queen and other nobles of the Pirusian kingdom, and left no survivors, ensuring that the Pirusian kingdom can no longer rise again from the ashes. Alisha was the only one who barely escaped the attack.

As the last survivor of the purge and the last princess of the Pirusian kingdom, Alisha was nicknamed "The Fallen Princess" and chosen by the goddess Norion to become her champion. The sword she had just wielded was called Blazefury, one of the relic weapons given to the goddess's champions in their mission to protect the peace of the galaxy.

After Alisha took a sip of the can, she looked at the emotionless girl "Is the information about the Akadian fleet true?"

Friday nodded "Yes. There are only 3 cruisers there, supported by several smaller crafts and frigates"

"I don't like this. It's almost like it's a trap"

"General Amberglade and Admiral Helmira seem to have already made up their mind to attack the world. Have you spoken your opinion to them?"

Alisha sighs "I did, and they still insisted. But they seem to be considering my opinion, so give them some time"

"I understand"

She finishes her drink and tosses it toward the trash can next to her. Just before she was about to continue the conversation, a Federation officer called out to her from outside the room.

"Lady Sturn"

Both of them turned to the officer who called them out.

"General Amberglade and Admiral Helmira want to see you"

The summon was a surprise to Alisha, though she could guess what they wanted to talk about. With a single nod, she replied to the officer "Understood. I'll head to the bridge immediately"

The officer saluted before dismissing himself and leaving the training chamber.

"Come on, Friday. Let's see what they have in store for us"

Alisha took her jacket cape, which she had hung on a jacket rack before her training began. Afterward, they left the training chamber.

The various hallways of the ship that they walked through were filled with soldiers and crew members going about their business. Each does their task in preparation for the battle ahead. Unlike the Akadians who only had Troopers and Akadian humans as their crews, the Federation army allows various races into their ranks.

There are Proto who, unlike Friday, were more expressive and seemed advanced in their capabilities, as well as Alf warriors who are the equivalent of a fantasy elf with their sharp pointy ears and elven features.

As they continued, Friday tried her best to not look at her fellow Proto in envy, though she could already feel a sense of isolation because she was the only one who was different.

Friday is different than every other Proto because she is an old model. The Proto comes from the nation of Nilon Technocracy, one of the Interstellar Federation's allies whose focus was purely on technological advancements.

Every Proto is required to upgrade themselves to their newest model to keep up with whatever technological advancements the nation has made. However, Friday refused this upgrade and was branded as an outcast, and banished from her society.

It was thanks to Alisha that Friday had found her place within the Federation army and by her side. The two of them met when Alisha was making her escape from her ruined homeworld, and they both became close friends because of that.

Remembering that alone is enough to keep her distracted from her previous thoughts of being an outcast to her nation and fellow Proto. Her only purpose to continue fighting was for her friend and those that she cared about.

After some time of walking through various parts of the ship, they finally reached the bridge. General Amberglade, a middle-aged man with blonde hair and a beard, and Admiral Helmira, a younger man with long black hair that's not too far off from Amberglade's age. The two of them, as well as the other officers, were all wearing white Federation uniforms as opposed to Alisha who was the only one wearing the blue color.

It's because Alisha was from Pirusia and it's to honor her fallen nation and family that she was allowed to wear a different color than everyone else. There is also the factor of her being one of the goddess's champions, which grants her huge privilege to almost anything that she desires.

Minor conveniences aside, The two senior officers saluted Alisha and Friday.

"General Amberglade, Admiral Helmira. Am I right to assume that you've summoned me concerning the coming operation?"

Amberglade replied "As sharp as ever, milady. Yes, and in truth, we are both considering your opinion from earlier. Though we will still proceed with the invasion, we cannot risk falling into whatever trap the empire has in store for us"

Helmira continued "We have concluded to divide our forces for the upcoming attack. General Amberglade will 1/4th of the fleet to attack the enemy first while my half will hang back in case of a trap"

"I see. What is my role in the upcoming battle?" Alisha asked.

"To lead the charge against the enemy" General Amberglade answered.

The answer shook Alisha "Sir?"

"You have fought the empire before and have first-hand experiences escaping their pursuit. Therefore, you will lead a combined strike force in to clear the way for our ground assault and to foil whatever trap they have set for us"

"I'm... Honored, sir. I shall do my best to lead our men to victory"

Amberglade smiled "I don't doubt it. Aside from that, you are also to lead the ground assault. Feel free to requisition whatever you need, and we shall provide you with whatever we can"

"I understand"

"We will exit the jump a couple of moons away from the target. Meet me at my cruiser, and we will discuss further planning there"

"Yes sir"

"That would be all"

They saluted each other again before Alisha and Friday left the bridge. Once they left the bridge, Alisha smiled proudly at Friday.

"It seems my judgment was correct"

"I never doubt it, Alisha. And congratulations on your promotion"

"Heh. Here I thought that being a champion was the highest I could get"

"Shall we head to the cafeteria and celebrate with a drink?"

Alisha shook her head "No. We shouldn't get complacent. The upcoming battle will be dangerous and we have to be prepared. For now, let's prepare what we can"

Friday gave a simple nod and the two of them continued their walk. Preparing themselves for the upcoming battle. It seems that not only Alisha's strength will be tested, but also her strategy as well. Little did she know that an old rival, someone who had bested her as an equal, was waiting for her in Hakona.