Chapter 3

[The student council has a lot to do after the awakening test. You don't have to wait for me.]

While I was waiting for my turn to get tested, Reina texted me to inform that she will be late. Then I won't wait for her.

I asked her if she wants to drive the car home later. And she said yes. So when it's my turn for the test and she will have a break to see it, I will give her the key.

As for me going home, I can take my time. Maybe I'll hang around somewhere before going home.

In the classroom, there's no teacher. Just an official from the Hero Association who will test us. And he's informing us of how we will take the test.

"In front of the classroom, as you can see, there's a sphere object I brought here. That was a Dungeon Core. But now that it has been taken out of the dungeon, the dungeon no longer exist," he started explaining.

Dungeon Core is the core of a Dungeon. Once it's destroyed or taken out of a Dungeon, the Dungeon will be gone.

And it's also useful for awakening class for ordinary people. That's why many people seek to get a hand on one. Because just by touching it, if you're lucky, you will awaken a class.

I didn't know about this before. I should have looked about this more. Because if I have the right connection, then I should be able to awaken my class early rather than having to wait until I'm 18.

But apparently Dungeon Cores are being supervised by the association. Even if you have one, the association will have to know who is touching them and who awakened their class. If you keep it as a secret, you will be counted as a criminal. I guess it's hard to get one of them.

So the test is just by touching the Dungeon Core. And the longer you touch the Core, the more likely your class will awaken. But it's not like everyone has all the time in the world. So for this test, each person will only be allowed to touch the Dungeon Core for up to ten minutes.

We have forty students in the class who will take the test. So if each of us took ten minutes, it will take four hundred minutes until it's over. That's more than six hours.

What about the people in the gym building? I guess they have several Dungeon Cores so they can finish it sooner. Or maybe they are only allowed to touch the Core for fewer minutes than us.

"Then there are two classes. Magician class and warrior class. If you're lucky, you will awaken a class. If you're luckier, you can awaken both classes. It's rare for that to happen, but it happens once in a while. If you awaken both classes, you can focus on one class and the other class will be weaker than the other, or you can focus on both classes. But if you focus on both classes, your level increase progress will be much slower than if you focus on just one. If you try to increase one class' level then once you try to increase the other class' level, it will be much slower than increasing both classes at the same time for some reason. No one knows why. Even Heroes who have awakened both classes don't know why. I'm just here to warn you in case you awaken both classes," the official said.

So it's possible to awaken both classes. That would be great if that happen to me. Then I will focus on both classes instead of using one as the main class and the other as the sub class.

"As for magician, you can get two magic books of your choice later. If you want more magic book, you will have to pay. The first two are free. And we only give you the most basic type of magic. For more advanced magic, you have to pay or if you're lucky, you can get someone to be your teacher and teach you about magic."

Then he showed his magic to us. He created a snake made of fire that flew around before it disappeared.

"Huff… my level is not that high so I can't use more advanced magic for long. Anyway, I'm just an association worker. So you can't ask me to teach you if you become a magician," he said while smiling.

Oh, he's pretty friendly. I thought that for the association official, doing this every year will make them tired. Well, it may be his first time in charge for the test. So he's pretty friendly. Or maybe this is his dream job.

He then told us to create the order by ourselves. It's better to be first since you will be done right away and you can go home. But the first in line is already decided. The bully of the class and his friends.

Fun fact. He tried to bully me before. And I bullied him back real hard. He never dares to bother me anymore after that.

Well, someone who is not a superhuman trying to pick a fight against a former gangster in his past life. The result is obvious. Especially since I trained my body to be as good as in my past life.

And the result after ten minutes of touching the core is… he couldn't awaken his class even after ten minutes.

"Oh, that's the normal result. We will see that a lot today. Maybe even all of you. So don't be too nervous," the official said.

"I refuse this result! There's no way that I'm can't be a superhuman! I will get my class today! Just a few more minutes! Let me touch it for a few more minutes!"

Oh, the troublemaker causes a trouble. Not very surprising.

"Can't do that. You have to leave now. We still have a lot of people who will take the test. So please leave. Or you can wait and watch," the official said.

"Fuck off! It's just a few more minutes!"

The bully then tried to touch the Dungeon Core again. But I stopped him. I rushed at him and pull his collar so he can't touch the Dungeon Core.

"Kaiser! Release me! I can—"

"You will die if I release you," I said calmly.

Only then everyone in the class is aware of the knife resting on the bully's neck. It was the official who holds it.

"He showed you magic and got tired because that is not his main class. He awakened both classes and his main class is Warrior. That is why he explained it to us. He's fast enough for ordinary people like you to not be able see his knife at all. Calm down. Even if no one here likes you, no one wants to see you die. Or maybe someone wants to. I don't know. You're very unlikeable. I can't see through people's heart. If so, I'm sorry to them for stopping you," I said.

The bully is looking down and sees the official is holding a knife and put it on his neck as I said. Only I was aware of it. He didn't. No one in class did.

"Oh, you're aware of it? Are you already a superhuman?" the official asked me as he pulled his knife back.

"No. I'm here to take the test," I said.

"Then you noticed it even when you're not a warrior. If you can awaken a warrior class, then you could be really great fighter in the future," he said.

"I hope so. Can we continue with the test?"

"Alright. Next."

I pulled the bully back by his collar as the next guy in line is still shocked after seeing what happened right in front of him. The one he thought as the boss of the class couldn't awaken his class. And he almost died when he refused the result.

This is the world of superhumans. My guess is that the official is not just here for the test. They're also here to let us know what to expect in the world of superhumans if we decide to be Heroes in the future. And to stop us from creating troubles just because we awakened our class.

"Your turn is done. You can leave or wait. But remember this. If the guy you bullied awakens his class, then until graduation, school days will be hell for you. And I will enjoy watching it," I said.

No, I don't have any friends in school. Some I can talk casually with. But no one really close. Probably just talking about hobbies like anime, comics, or games. 

But I know that the bully in front of me has been acting up since before high school. So he has many people who hate him.

In your ordinary life, being strong and tough might get you some underling. But in just one day, people can become superhumans just by touching a Dungeon Core. They will become your enemies if you are terrible to them.

Well, it doesn't matter. I don't like him much. And the official wasn't serious when he put his knife on the bully's neck. So I'm sure even if I didn't do anything, nothing bad will happen.

Then as the second guy failed to awaken his class, the bully left the classroom in a hurry. He should have waited. Then he can see if the people who don't like him will awaken and he can try avoiding them.

As for me, I don't have any friends and I don't have anyone who doesn't like me. Probably except for some bullies. Though if they just awakened their class, I don't think I will have much trouble kicking their asses even with my current strength.

And now, I'm waiting again. My turn is the last. Because I didn't bother to rush in the line. So it will take hours until I can be tested.

I'm in no rush. I just play with my phone until it's my time.