Chapter 5

I told Reina that I will take the test soon. Then she knocked on the door to my classroom and asked permission to get in. Since we're not having a lesson, she's allowed to enter. And we have some people already left while some are still here curious about my class even though I'm the last one.

...Most of them are boys who have a crush on Reina. They knew that they can meet her if they wait.

You shall not make a pass on my sister. Unless you are rich and you are kind to have a future brother-in-law who will leech off of your wealth.

"It's quieter now so I can come here," she said as she took my seat as my turn is up now.

I guess many people have left the school since their test is over. Though there are still many of them in the gym. For the classrooms, not many students are still here.

"You even bring your sister here?" the official asked.

"She will take the test next year. Let her watch," I said.

The official doesn't have a problem with it. And my classmates are totally fine with having her in the class.

"You are way too nervous for someone who is here just to watch," I said to Reina.

She's sitting on my seat and she can't hide her nervousness. She's worried too much about her brother.

For me, it's normal to see her worried about her brother. There are many things in the past that she's always nervous for me. So it's normal.

But I still don't know if this is a normal family relationship or not. What I meant is not just about her and I. But also my entire family.

In my past life, I was raised by my father alone. I didn't have a mother. And my father was an abusive one. For me, being abused was a common thing.

But in this life, I was never abused. My family loves me very much. Though I still don't know if this is a normal family relationship or not. But I just know that it's normal for us to be this way.

It's best to not compare one's family relationship with others. Even if you watch something on TV or read it somewhere, it's not like what they say is always right.

In an abusive family, even if you say that it's not normal to be abused, for the abused kids, it's normal for them to be abused. They don't know what other people call as normal is. For us, it was normal to be abused.

I still don't know if my current relationship with my family right now is normal or not. But I like it. It's far better than my past life's experience. That's all I need to know.

Someone said that it's weird for Reina to be worried about me too much in the past. I don't really understand why it's weird. It's like saying that it's normal for siblings to have bad relationship or something.

Everyone has taken their turn. It's my turn now and the last one for this class. And I do something that no one did. Bringing a chair for the test.

The other took the test while standing. And they stood there without doing anything other than touching the Dungeon Core for ten minutes. But I don't want to do that.

I grab a chair and sit in front of the Dungeon Core. Then while my right hand is free, my left hand is playing with my phone.

"…This is the first time I've seen someone playing with his phone while taking the test. But I think that's a good choice. You also grabbed a chair to sit instead of standing like the others. Why is there no one who thought of this?"

"I don't know. Don't ask me. Can I touch the Dungeon Core now?" I asked.

"Sure. You can start the test now."

Then I touch the Dungeon Core but don't care about it at all as I read webnovel on my phone. The story is reaching its climax. So I want to read it.

I didn't check the time at all as I read novel. Then suddenly, the official called me.

"Hey, you can take a look at the Dungeon Core now," he said.

Damn him for disturbing me while reading. But I still check it.

The sphere I'm touching is changing its color. I guess I'm a superhuman now.

The color is red on one side and blue on the other side. Then they mix together to be purple.

"Oh, I'm a magic warrior now," I said.

"…Why is your sister so much happier than you?"

Only then I look back to where my seat is where Reina is sitting. She seems so happy with the result.

I'm more worried about her actually. She always shows her happiness when I'm around. It's not bad, but I overheard some kids saying that she has brother complex. I'm worried that if she can't make any friends, it's because of me.

But it's great that she could still make friends with some people. Though that doesn't make me worried about her less.

Is this how she feels as well toward me? Maybe. I guess being reincarnated made me overthink stuffs.

"Congrats on being a magic warrior. Well, you've hear what I said several times before. So here, you can scan this code and download the app," he said.

Using your own phone with an account that someone else made. I'm pretty sure that it's for the Hero Association to keep watch on us superhumans.

They may say that they do things for the Heroes and the people. But it doesn't mean that they won't do things for their own benefits.

This is also why many of my awakened friends, the homeless people who are superhumans, threw away their phones. They might have a new one. But they don't bother to install the app or use the account they created anymore.

My questions from before that I asked the official, I actually knew all the answer already. But I'm just being kind to my classmates who knew nothing.

Even from the association, I have to be careful. So I use my second phone to scan the code. This way, I can throw it away in case I… well, turn into a Villain.

It's not like I want to be a Villain. If something happen that will make me lose hope in Heroes and the association, then I might turn into one in the future. But I hope it won't happen.

"Alright, everyone has finished their test. Goodbye." 

The official didn't bother to say anything else. He just put the Dungeon Core in a bag and left.

Everyone also leaves the classroom. Only Reina and I left.

"You're still busy?" I asked.

"Yes. It's just doing some clean up. The association also sends some people to help but they're mainly for the adults who take the test in the gym. So we didn't have much to do. But it will still take time for the cleanup," she said.

"Here's the car key. I have somewhere else to go," I said.

"Where are you going?"

"The slum. I'm going to get information about superhumans and classes from those former Heroes. And if possible, the reason why they became homeless even though they were Heroes," I said.

The slum is where most homeless people are gathering. I often visit that place when I come to play. Or learn. I can learn many things from the people there.

"I still can't believe that Heroes can turn into homeless people. Just what happened to them?"

"Something bad probably. Since I'm a superhuman now, it's best to ask the experienced one about things that I should avoid so I won't become like them. It's good that they're my friends," I said.

I want to ask some magicians there about magic as well. If possible, ask them to teach me other magic than what I can learn from the app.

Then I left the school alone. I'm going to the slum.

On the way, in an empty alley, I can see people fighting. Or it's more like a one-sided beating from a thin guy to several people.

That's the guy who entered my classroom and looked for the bully before. Seems like he found the bully. Though his superhuman strength doesn't mean that he's already stronger than the bullies. But he's beating them up while they don't do anything.

They are all stupid. If those bullies decided to fight back, the thin guy won't be able to do anything. But they didn't do it. Simply because the thin guy has a class and they think that he's superior to them.

I met a lot of thugs and made friend with some who were troublemakers during their school days. They said that pride is the most important thing when they were just delinquent in school. So when someone is known to be superior even though there's no evidence about it, they wouldn't bother with him at all.

But when they know someone is much inferior to them, they will bully him. Now that the one they thought of as inferior is the superior one, they don't dare to fight back.

Though the thin guy is also stupid to fight as soon as he awakened his class. Everyone is stupid.

Let's ignore them. Act like a passerby.

Not only because I don't want to be bothered to go there. That part is true. But it's also because there are people watching. And by watching I mean like scouting. They are too sharp to just be a passerby who watched a fight. They must be from some kind of illegal organization or something.

How do I know? Well, I was in one such organization in the past. Of course I know a lot about underworld. I was a gangster.

I'll try my best to not join the underworld in this life. But will that be possible? I don't think so.

After all, the slum is like the best information guild in the country. An unofficial guild. And I have involved myself too much with the people there.