Chapter 7

After dinner, I return to my room and start the app. Using the app, I can buy magic book or buy other things related to superhumans. But not much. Just a few things.

And about the things to buy are not things you use to fight. Just things to help you train in your class.

I'll check the magic books later. I'll read about my classes first.

First is my warrior class. As a former gangster who was well-known in how well I was in fighting, I think just working out a bit won't be hard. That's how we raise warrior class' level.

By the way, there are levels in your classes. Both in warrior class and magician class.

Start from level 1 as warriors or magicians. Though for magicians, Bob told me that you are not formally a level 1 magician until you finally learn to use magic. For warrior though, I'm already one as soon as I awakened my class.

The higher your level, the stronger you are simple.

Though it's not like a game where you can level up to two digits or three digits.

For example, the highest known level for warriors is 8. There's no one known to be level 9 or higher.

As for magician, the highest known level is 7. Although it's lower than warriors, no one can tell which one is stronger if the two highest level superhumans from two classes fight. 

Bob never told me about this but from my guess, he might be level 6 magician or higher. It's not like he has shown me his powerful magic or something. It's just what my gut feeling is telling me that he's really strong. Probably the strongest man I ever met in this life.

Anyway, let's return to learning about warrior class. Once you awakened as a warrior, you will not be instantly be stronger than before. But you will still grow at a much faster rate once you started training. Your body can release more strength than before even if your muscle mass didn't change.

Warrior class is related to the body. So to improve it, one must train regularly. And the best way to improve one's level is by fighting and killing enemies.

Basically, it's telling you to break your limit. Exert your power as much as possible and break the limit.

There's no such thing as game system or Exp in this world. So even if you kill monsters, you won't gain Exp and will be able to reach higher level. You just fight and you will grow stronger all of a sudden.

Well, we probably will still get Exp. It's just that we never know about it.

Though I know a way for me to get stronger other than just training. It's using breathing technique.

My original world is not a fantasy or martial arts world. But one day, when I just started as a gangster after quitting college, I met someone who taught me breathing technique that helped me get stronger faster than just by training. Still within human limits, but it's clearly faster than before when I train without this breathing technique. And I'm still doing it today.

So if I'm right, since I trained my body even before I awakened my warrior class, it won't be long until I become level 2. Though it's best to get fighting experience as soon as possible whatever my level is.

If I need something about warrior class, I'll ask the warriors in the slum. Next is to learn about magic.

To improve your magic level, you just need to improve your mental strength. It's not really something that one can do on purpose, so it's hard. The other way is to use magic to defeat your enemies.

But Bob and the magic warrior from the slum said that it's best to use magic whenever possible even when you're not fighting. Because just by practicing your magic, your magic usage can be more efficient. It will be stronger and use less mana or your mana will increase without having to level up. Then your level will somehow increase.

It doesn't say that in the app. They truly don't want people to use magic in public.

But how are they going to make Heroes out of us kids then? They just hope that we will do our best in the Hero Academy?

I don't think that's just it. Because rich kids will always have a way to fight enemies. Even though we are still not allowed to enter Dungeon since we're not Heroes, rich people will always find a way to do it. They must have paid a lot of money to monopolize a Dungeon or something. That's what Bob and the other said. And I believe that's the case.

So while there will be a lot of level 1 superhumans during the entrance exam, there will still be some higher level superhumans with good background. So us who are ordinary people will have no choice but to compete against them.

I think I will ask Bob and the others to see if I can gain experience somewhere. Maybe just sparring with them. That will be good enough I guess.

But before that, I want to see my strength first. It's night already so let's try my strength tomorrow during regular exercise. As for magic, let's see what I can get.

There are a lot of basic magic book I can get. But I can only get two for free. Once the free pass is over, I have to buy the other.

But two is already good enough. Having more will give mental burden to your mind.

Though I don't want to let go of my way of fighting. I enjoyed fighting using knives in my past life. I am a crazy bastard who enjoys killing not for killing purpose. Just to test my skills that I learned. And the people I killed are mostly not innocent people. For the part that is not considered as 'mostly', I just don't know. But I hope they're not innocent.

When I learn something, I enjoy using it in practice. I enjoy using it more in real life. That's why I enjoy cooking. That's why I enjoy driving. That's why I enjoy many things.

So when I learned how to kill, I decided to only kill bad people. Because if I somehow enjoy killing innocent people, I would have gone crazy.

Though the world will be much better if no one has the need to kill one another. And I guess I'm already crazy.

Since I want magic to fight in close range, I'll try learning magic that will help me about it.

They don't sell magic like Body Strengthening. Maybe they don't exist.

Fire magic, water magic, healing magic, many things there will be useful in normal life even if you're not a Hero.

For example, my mother is actually a magician. Just a level 2 magician. And she only ever shows me her water magic.

That's why for water in the house, we only use her water made from magic. From drinking and everything, we had mother fill the water tank with her magic. It's really convenient.

My father is just an ordinary human though. I don't know why they're together. I'm just glad they did.

I continue looking for magic that I want to learn. Something that will be useful to me. Though all magic is useful. It depends on how to use it.

The magic book is sorted according to its popularity. The most popular seem to be healing magic. And from the review in the app, many people actually failed to learn this magic. So it might be hard.

I'm also interested in healing magic. If I fight in the frontline and get injured, I can heal myself. But let's check everything first.

And finally, at the bottom of the list, I found something that suits me best. It's called Enchant magic.

Enchant magic. Magic that allows you to make your weapon sharper and your armor stronger. The explanation is just like that. But I think that's good enough.

I fight with two knives. One in each hand. Though I can fight with one just fine. And I don't have any weapon right now. But that's okay.

If I use Enchant magic to increase the sharpness of my knives, then I can fight more efficiently. Because in my past life, instead of using strength, I use skills and technique with my knives. I just depend on the sharpness of my knives.

But in this world, I don't know anyone who can make knives as sharp as the knives I had in my past life. At least not yet. So if I can make my knives sharper using magic, that would be great.

The rating of this magic book is so low though. But from the review, no one seems to fail when they're learning this magic.

But someone said that this book only teaches you to make blade sharper and armor stronger. So the blade's durability doesn't change.

But making the blade sharper alone is good for me. So I pick this magic without hesitation. For the second magic book, I'll have to think carefully.

To be able to use magic, you must have three things. Imagination, understanding, and talent. If you miss one thing, the magic will be weaker than expected or you can't use the magic at all.

For imagination, I think I'm fine with it. I don't need to imagine the feeling of a sharp blade cutting through flesh and bones. I know that feeling.

For understanding, magic books exist for that. I have to read it until I gain fully understanding of the magic and use it.

And talent is the most important. As mentioned before, if you don't have the aptitude for a certain magic, you might never be able to use that magic. So it's the most important.

So I started reading the magic book on my phone while lying on the bed. But as I open the last page, I was shocked to see the drawing.

It's a drawing of magic circle. It's something that magicians used in the past before they can just say the word of the magic to release the magic. They used magic circle. Drawing a circle with magic formulas inside using a writing that is no longer used in the present.

But I know that writing. I know those symbols. I can read them!

They are the symbols I learned from the man who also taught me the breathing technique!