Chapter 31

I finally used Body Enhancement magic. Can I defeat a level 5 warrior? We'll see.

I can now follow his movement a bit. Previously, I can only predict his movement. So all those times I dodged before used awkward movement. Even the times when I countered, I had to put a lot of effort to make those moves.

But now, I can do it more easily. His movement is clearer in my eyes. And I can dodge only by leaving behind a bit of distance from me and my opponent. Making it easier to hit the opponent.

Unfortunately, I lost my weapon. So I can only fight unarmed.

I can do it, but punching a level 5 warrior actually hurts my fist more than I expected. My fists won't last twenty minutes if I keep punching him.

"I don't know how you get stronger. But it's not enough to defeat me!" he said.

"Says the guy who can't even land a single proper hit," I said.

"Die, you bastard!"

"How about no?"

Since I can't use my fist all the time, I prefer kicking. My legs are obviously stronger than my arms. But I can't kick all the time. So I even used my knees and my elbows. They are harder than my fists so they hurt him more.

Sure my attacks give him more damage than before I used Body Enhancement magic. But he's not so weak that he will be defeated by this level of strength.

If only I have more mana, I can increase the strength of my Body Enhancement magic even more. Or if I just a level higher than my current level, it will be easy defeating him.

But there's no if in reality. In this battle, there's only one acceptable result. And that is for me to defeat him. If I can't defeat him, I will die.

As for me defeating him, I can kill him. Or if I have to work harder, I will have to subjugate him without killing him.

Without a weapon, I have to fight unarmed. So either option will still be difficult. But not impossible.

By this time, someone from the Slum should be sending reinforcement. If not, then I really must defeat my opponent right away.

Seriously, G. You should keep me informed. I seriously have to figure everything on my own when we should be partners? Or is it just one time only?

I can't just talk to G right now. Because my opponent will realize that I'm just stalling for time. So if he knows, he will try to escape. I can't have that.

Sigh… I have to do riskier move then. If I can't win with strikes, then I have to win with grappling skills. But I'm not that good at it. I hope I can at least break a bone or two.

…Or three. Or four. Just have his body completely broken.

Once again, he rushes at me. This time, I put on not a stance for striking. But a stance for grappling.

And when he came close with his fist flying at me, I quickly grabbed his wrist and use all my strength to push him down to the floor.

He's stronger than me. So I can't stay too long holding him. That's why as soon as he's on the ground, I quickly grabbed his shoulder and put all my strength to dislocate it.


And as soon as I dislocate his shoulder, he tried to stand up. And I quickly lock his leg. With a technique I never tried in my life but I watched it a lot in pro-wrestling.

It's amateurish. But the opponent is also someone who lacks fighting. So there's nothing to fear.

He's too strong. Even when I'm hugging his leg, it's hard to dislocate it. And he finally managed to break free from it. Only after I kicked him in the nut because I can't dislocate his leg.


Right. Endure that.

As soon as he stands up, I quickly kicked him in the nut again. Then right away, I tried dislocating his leg again.

…I don't know where I should put my strength to dislocate his knee. So I gave up and just kicked him in the shin as many times as possible while he's on the ground.

Finally I hear the sound of bones breaking. His leg is now broken. And now it's impossible for him to escape.

"That is the nice sound of victory," I said.

With his leg broken and his shoulder dislocated, he can't do much anymore. So now, it's just a one-sided beating.

"Bwahaha. You think you're going to win? Look at this? You're on the ground looking up at me. You look ridiculous for a level 5 warrior to be defeated by a level 1 warrior. Wait, a level 1 magic warrior. Just so you know and you won't make a mistake about it," I said while kicking him on the ground.

Several times, he tried to fight back. But I dodged his attacks all the time.

And so now both his legs are broken. The pain is too much for him I guess. He fainted after I broke his other leg.

Just in case, I dislocated both his arms. I don't know if I'm doing it right. I should visit a fighting gym and learn wrestling or judo.

"G, are you there?" I asked.

[Phew. Are you okay, Kai? I was worried. There's no camera there so I can only hear what happened through your phone,] G said.

"Is there any reinforcement coming?" I asked.

[Yes. Bob himself is coming here. What?]

"Then you should keep me informed! I don't know what to do so I had to put a lot of effort in fighting! Are you even a support? You're more like an audience," I scolded her.

[…Sorry. This is my first real mission. And when I watched others doing tasks, they rarely speak,] she said.

"Don't you think that they rarely speak because they are in a situation where they can't do it? Like in front of their enemies and the enemies shouldn't learn that they were alone?"

[…Right! That is possible!]

…This girl doesn't have any sense of danger at all. She's just watching as an audience not a support.

"You have to learn to be a proper support. Communicate more. If I or someone else can't talk back to you, you have to figure out the reason why yourself and provide support in any way possible," I said.

[Alright. But what support should I do?]

"I don't know. Hack the enemies' phone and call them? Pretend that it's their mom calling them so they will be distracted," I suggested.

[Not calling for reinforcement?]

"Calling for reinforcement when I can take care of everything by myself is not recommended. Only call for one when I need it. Maybe we need codes so even when I can't communicate with you, you can call for reinforcement. We need a lot of things to do if we want to be better partners," I said.

[You think I'm going to do this again?]

"You won't? Then for what reason have you been stalking me for years? You have a crush on me, right?" I asked confidently.

[What makes you think you're right? I'm just curious about you. I'm curious about your "Unspeakable" moment,] G said.

"Does it mean you won't team up with me again?"

[…I didn't say that.]

Good. For whatever reasons, whether she has a crush on me or not, she won't just disappear for no reason.

Even if she can't handle this mission well, she can still learn. And she will be a formidable ally in the future.

"Oh, right. I forgot. Cancel."

I activated the magic word I prepared for my Body Enhancement magic. It's a word that will deactivate this magic. Doing this, I will be able to reserve some mana in case I encounter something dangerous after this.

Soon after, Bob arrived.

"You're late. The battle is over," I said.

"…You defeated a level 5 warrior in a real battle?" Bob asked.

"Sigh… G, you forgot to mention it to him?"


"Whatever. Yes, I defeated him. I'm strong, right?"

Bob checked the opponent's condition and see how badly I beat him up.

"Even a strong level 3 warrior won't be able to defeat a level 5 warrior. How did you defeat him?" Bob asked.

"That guy is easily provoked. All his attacks are predictable. Even before I used Body Enhancement magic, he couldn't even touch me. Though I broke my knife. Please get me another knife using the money I received from this mission," I said.

"That can be taken care of. Now, what will you do?" Bob asked.

"I'm going home to face an enemy impossible to defeat. An angry Mom. G, if there's anyone asking about me, tell them that I'm fine," I said.

The mission is over. Well, it's over much earlier than this. This is just a side mission with no rewards other than the safety of the girl band.

I guess I can say that my first mission is done well. Now, let's face an angry mother.