Chapter 36

I returned home and quickly get changed. I don't have any knife to bring so I'll just be satisfied with a ruler. I can use it as a weapon in case of emergency.

It should be fine. Bob is taking me there to gain experience in a Themed Dungeon. Not because he wants me to fight monsters. So I'm sure I won't have to fight.

Even if it ends up with a battle, I'll just ask Bob to fight for me. My safety is his responsibility after all.

Like usual, I wear a jacket. I put the ruler inside the inner pocket of the jacket.

The Heroes there have been inside the dungeon for a few days. So we need to bring supply for them as well. But that's Smith's problem.

[You do know that his name is not Smith, right?] G asked.

"Does it matter? And are you coming with me?" I asked G back.

[It sounds fun. It will be good if you have a small camera attached on your body. Do you have any?] G asked.

"No I don't. Just be satisfied with my phone's camera."

I replied that casually. But I have my suspicion with her ability. I'll think about it more later. We need to save some people.

After getting ready, I… knocked on the door to Reina's room.

"What is it?" Reina asked me as soon as she opened the door.

"Where's my wallet? It's not in the car," I said.

Then she grabbed something from her desk and threw it at me. It's my wallet. And it's lighter than it should be.

"My money! Did you take my money!?"

I checked my wallet. And my cash is gone. It's empty other than for some receipts that I put in my wallet but never throw them away.

"Does it matter?"

Sigh… my sister is being rebellious. She stole my money as if it's something natural.

"Fine. It doesn't matter."

I got more money from Smith than what I had in my wallet anyway. Let's be happy that I gained money instead.

Now, it's time to meet Bob again. He's already waiting in the destination.

"Kai? Where are you going?" Reina asked me.

"My sugar daddy is going to treat me with some meal. Tell Mom that I won't eat dinner at home," I said.

And I grabbed the scooter and ride it to the destination. I wear a face mask to cover my identity. For a guild to gain some reputation, they must not bring a student into a dungeon. But they have no choice today so I will hide my identity.

It was only thirty minutes from home while speeding past the speed limit. I know where the cops are waiting thanks to being friend with a biker gang. So I can go as fast as the scooter allows me to toward the destination without worrying about getting caught.

When I arrive, Bob and Smith are already waiting. And they have several boxes of supplies for everyone inside the dungeon.

We're going to enter the dungeon with several other people from the guild including Smith.

"Kaiser, are you ready?" Bob asked.

"…Is it a place where I can enter with my scooter?" I asked.

"Hmm? I don't think it is. At least the road is not good for scooter," Bob said. So I parked it somewhere else.

This is why I prefer a dirt bike. I can ride it in almost every terrain. Though I need money to buy one.

The others are curious about our identity. They only know that we're helpers who will clear the dungeon with them.

They are busy with carrying boxes for supply. And there is enough supply to last another week. But I don't have any plan on staying here for that long.

When we enter the portal, we were brought to an open field. We can't see where the previous few parties that entered the dungeon before. But we can hear noise from a certain direction.

"Can't they just leave through the portal?" I asked Bob.

"Apparently, the portal will disappear after a while. People can still go in but no one can get out. So for the first scout to enter, they usually just entered the portal and observed the surrounding area before leaving to report. And the scouts usually can't tell if it's a Themed Dungeon or not. So it's common for accident to happen," Bob explained.

As he said, after walking for a while, I looked back at where the portal was and it just disappeared. Well, we will clear this dungeon. It shouldn't be a problem.

"How do we know if this is a Themed Dungeon?" I asked Bob.

"It's random. Sometimes, there's something like a huge screen appeared in the sky telling you what to do. Sometimes, there's someone who will tell you what to do," Bob explained.

Since there's no sign about them at all, I guess we need to reach the destination first.

We walked to the source of the noise. And I'm thinking that… riding a scooter is still doable here. I shouldn't have left it.

And when we get closer, the scenery changed. We're inside a village and we can see the previous members of the guild inside the village fighting monsters. 

I stepped back and realize that we've been locked inside an invisible barrier.

"There's also illusion magic so we can't see anything inside from the outside," Bob said as he revealed the magic circle used in the barrier.

I read it and realize it's another language. I know how to read them but it's useless if I don't know what language they are.

"It's another language I don't know. I can read them just fine but the language barrier is still there," I said.

"But at least we know that it's just magic that we know thanks to you. They probably altered something like illusion and barrier into one magic circle. Well, your level is still too low. You can figure it out in the future. I'm sure you can."

While Smith and the others are helping the party members who are fighting, we just talked on the edge of the barrier about magic. It's good that no one is hearing us.

And I look at the sky. There's a huge screen with something written on it. It's something that we must do before we can leave.

[Look for the key to get out of this place]

That's what written in the sky. And that is our mission. But it seems like no one can find where the key is. And the monsters just keep annoying them.

"So we just need to find the key. It shouldn't be hard, right?" I said.

"Those people have been here for five days. So I'm sure it's hard," Bob replied calmly.

Then some monsters found us and approaching us.

"Bob, I'm not here to fight. You take care of them," I said.

"I know."

And Bob killed them easily with his magic. He also killed all the monsters that the guild members are fighting.

"So the key is not a drop item. It will be hard," Bob said.

"No it isn't. Bob, kill that robe-wearing guy," I said.

I speak loud enough for some people to hear. They don't know why we're here but it's not important.

"Him? Why?" Bob asked.

"He's not with us when we enter the dungeon so he must have been here for days. And for someone who has been here for a few days, he's too clean," I said.

The others, even if they are healers, have their robes covered in dirt and dust from staying here for days. But that guy is just too clean. Even when there are monsters around, I can see that he's only acting to fight. But he wasn't fighting at all.

Shouldn't he be a magician since he's wearing a robe? He should have used magic instead of fighting in close range.

Before the others can say something, a lance made of rock flies through the air and pierced the guy.

"Kaiser, I'll trust your decision," Bob said.

It was Bob. He killed the guy quickly and decisively.

"No! How dare you!"

Someone shout as I just told Bob to kill that guy.

"Dare what? Do you think humans have green blood?" I said.

Everyone looked at the corpse. And from the body, green blood is coming out. Before the body turned into a monster and completely disappears.

"Now go and check if there's a key from the drop item," I said.

Smith checked it and found a key. It's the item for everyone here to finally get out.

Seriously? Is this it?

I look at Bob for confirmation. Because this is way too easy.

"Even I didn't notice that he's suspicious. You think when fighting monsters we have leeway to think of other stuffs? Be happy that you got the reward from Smith," Bob said.

I guess that's true. But I still haven't let down my guard.

This is too easy. And when Smith grabs the key, a portal opened. We can leave right away.

But it's still suspicious. So while the others are rushing out, I asked Smith something.

"Hey, is the guy I just killed actually a member of your guild?" I asked.

Only then everyone stopped leaving through the portal. They realized that they're missing one person.

I know that they want to leave as soon as possible. But for them to not notice that their own friend is missing? That's just too cruel.