Chapter 57

The branch guild of Grand Shield will send their reinforcement into the portal. There will not be any scouts because they have enough information that they can get already by the fact that no one has returned.

Many Heroes absorbed into the dungeon. But none leaving. So it's useless if they're sending another scout group. It will be another main party. Lead by Liana who came from the main guild.

Kaiser, Bob, and Halberd watched the people from the Grand Shield preparing to enter from the nurse's office of the school building. That side of the building was not destroyed by the portal before.

"Throw a rope tied to a rock inside. See if the rope is being pulled or something," Liana said.

Then someone huge appeared with a rope tied to a weight. He then lightly threw the rope into the Gate.

They leave the rope be and it was as if the rope was being pulled. Then the huge man grabbed the rope and it stopped being sucked in.