Chapter 60

It seems like it's finally over. The members of the guild quickly grabbed all the fire extinguishers at school and from nearby building and use them all over the school. I also lead the teachers out while using the fire extinguisher in front of them.

There should be someone who is a warrior among the teachers. I guess he's just too afraid in front of a real monster. I can understand that.

I still don't feel that it's safe. But it's better than before.

As soon as we reach the first floor, Liana and some members of the guild entered to escort us to safety.

"Good job, Kaiser. Are you perhaps rich?" Liana asked me.

Is that a proper question? Why does she think that I'm rich?

Oh, right. It was because it seems like I was too experienced. I guess she thinks that I must have experience in a dungeon or something to be so calm.

"I just have rich friends," I said.