Chapter 64

We have the greatest hacker in the world with us. Probably. But they didn't even bother asking her any crucial information or tasked her with something more important than opening the door.

The target's mansion is very high-tech. That's what they said. But they didn't even bother asking G to hack the place and prepares a map or check the guards over there.

Why didn't they do it? If it's the map, then maybe another hacker did it or it could be someone else finding out about it. But the guards are difficult to predict. They are living beings. They can move however they want.

Sure they probably work in shifts. But it doesn't mean that during their shift they will only stay in a certain location. Maybe they have the urge to pee during their shift. Or they see a squirrel and got distracted by it.

I can tell because I used to be protecting someone as well. We can so easily get distracted.