Chapter 73

"Alright, I'll be leaving now."

I said that to my family as I was about to go for the entrance exam. But they didn't care about me at all. Because all the members of Wishing Well are here! In my house! Not my apartment but my house! Because Marina and Jade will come together with me!

Why? How? And when did they get close to my family?!

Seems like while I was staying in my apartment for a while, Reina just casually invited them to my home and hanging out there with my family.

They are still so close that it seems like they didn't disband the group at all.

Apparently, they have discussed among themselves to create their own agency. Anita will be in charge of management of the agency. And the other workers will be the people they can trust from the previous agency. People who don't know that their boss was selling celebrities for money and had connection in the underworld.