Chapter 78

After the exam, we were the first one to return home. The result will come in two weeks. Until then, we are free.

And at home, the members of Wishing Well are still there. Anita was the first one to rushes at Jade to ask how the exam went.

"Kaiser got us punched in the face."

And that's how I got punished by everyone including Reina, Mom, and even Dad. Well, for Dad, he just enjoys watching me got punished.

That was… not false. I did end up getting them punched in the face. Because I told Instructor Stefan that they are on hiatus.

"But the punch they received made them pass the exam. The Dean himself told me about it. If it's not for that, they will still be graded normally like the other exam takers. So it's thanks to me that they passed the exam," I said.

But my excuse fell to deaf ears as I got punished even more. Dad, why are you smiling?