Chapter 85

"Alright, drive," I said as I enter the car.

[You're not driving this time?] G asked.

"I'm exhausted. He was way too good and hasn't even used his full strength. Maybe he's even higher than level 6. That man is dangerous. He hid his ambition even from the organization he's in. He even let his own arm be severed to achieve it," I said.

Too dangerous. They are people I prefer to avoid if possible back when I was a gangster in my past life.

Though now, I am a freelancer. I'm a pro. So as long as my client pays me well and the request is not anything I hate, I might take the job. But if it's Wendell, I will ask him to pay me more compared to other clients. That's in the future though.

With this, fame shouldn't be a problem anymore. Though it's not like people will come to me for a commission every day. But at least people will learn that I captured Brutus and severed Wendell's arm.