Chapter 88

It was a great spectacle for the audience here. One man against five men. None of us were restricting our strength. And I should be the weakest since I'm just a level 2 Warrior when the others should be higher.

But in less than five minutes, I defeated all five of them. And everyone in the audience cheered for me. It was also when Miles regained his consciousness and saw that I won.

"What? You want to do it again? You lost against me when I was restricting my strength. You want to do it again? Step into the arena then!" I provoked him.

Though in the arena, there are five men on the ground still in pain and unable to move. Two of them are unconscious.

He didn't even bother staying here. He just left on his own leaving his bodyguards behind. And the audiences, the rich people here, they all shouting my name, Kilo.