Chapter 92

First long trip I had. Riding on my new dirt bike. I ride from home toward my destination.

Searise Island is a small island. Well, that's only in the world map. But in real size, from the eastern most point on the island to the western most, it's around 500 km in a straight line.

My home is on the eastern side of the island. And the destination is on the west. The road is not straight either. But since it's not from one end of an island to the other, it's only about 300 km distance.

With the traffic, even though it's night, normally it takes more or less five hours of travel. But riding a my bike, and with G from GPS helping me with the direction and all the cars on the street, I can be as fast as I want since G will inform me if there's anything blocking the way.

It's great to live in a country with no speed limit. Though of course in some places like residential areas, there is a speed limit restriction. But not on the road toward my destination.