Chapter 110

The dragon left. Now, there's only me and the people in the house left.

"Hey! Everyone! It's over!" I shouted at the people inside the house.

It's a good thing that I parked my bike inside the gate. Because outside of the gate, everything is destroyed. Except for some cars. As for the people, most of them were already killed by the fake brief-wearing dragon.

I looked inside the hole. It's deep but I can see the bottom.

So, I jumped into the hole.

In there, there's nothing. Except for the destroyed corpse of the fake dragon.

It was interesting. Because all monsters disappear when they die. But that one was a human before he turned into that fake dragon and die. So the corpse is still there. In pieces.


Whoa. Surprisingly, the bracelet is still there. I used appraisal and it still works.

As for the brief, it was burnt. Though I don't want to see a burnt sausage.