Chapter 126

It was interesting to see the aptitude test. I can tell easily those who are experienced or not. Though some who are not experienced actually smart enough to utilize everything they had. But just some and it's not enough for them to be satisfied.

I thought that my class is the best. But it seems like other than the select few people, the others are not. Because just in a spar against class F, some of us actually lost.

By this point, everyone is supporting cadets from their own class. Because it's pretty much equal. Well, other than some people.

Though some cadets from class F actually good. Not as good as the lance guy but they can still defeat my classmates easily.

"Next, Jessica from class A will fight," Instructor Stefan said.

Who is Jessica? Oh, it's the barrier girl.

She stepped forward and prepares to fight her opponent which is a warrior. Let's see how good her barrier magic is. Though barrier magic might not be her best magic.