Chapter 146

There's still time until my club activity so I'll see what Olivia's party and Natalie's party can do.

It's not hard to give instructions to both Olivia and Natalie since they're both at the same level and their magic aptitude is the same. They are both great fire magicians.

The biggest difference is their strength in other thing. Olivia is better in leading and giving instruction while Natalie is better at fighting on her own.

I made both parties fought each other. The winner was Olivia's party even though she's just a freshman like me. But when Olivia fought Natalie, Natalie won.

So I gave everyone instructions that I think would be useful for them. Though in the end, I can't teach them much. Because they are not my party members and it's not like they will always ask for my help. But when they ask for my help next time, I will do my best.