Chapter 154

"You can go to your destination now. The instructors won't join you so everything will depend on your skills and everything you have learned in the past month you became cadets of the academy. Good luck."

I bet he lied. There's no way they would leave us be. They are going to secretly follow us and grade us.

This is a class. So there will be grading.

I don't know how they will grade us. I don't care. I'm here for camping experience.

…And because this class is mandatory.

"Everyone, let's move. We'll stick to the usual formation. I feel like I need to fight monsters on the way. Declan, you will carry the tent then," I said.

I was the one with the heaviest baggage before. Now, I gave it to Declan.

He's short. But he's still a Warrior. He can move around easily with this much baggage.