Chapter 162

Something big is happening in this world. It started a long time ago and it's still going on today. That's how I feel. Though for Bob and Giselle, they didn't seem to be worried that much.

For me, it feels like everything we do is being supervised or manipulated. To only use magic in the way that everyone thinks as common. And I don't like it.

To know more, I need to meet the dragon. But I have to be strong enough. I'm not that strong yet. But I can't afford to wait until I'm a level 8 Magician. The dragon himself wasn't patient enough to wait until I'm level 8.

Soon it should be the time for me to take the test for my piloting license. I'll get a lot of money to buy a house with a private airport. I have stopped thinking of getting a beach house. Having runway in the house and my own plane is better.

Then using that plane, I can go to where the dragon told me. Though before that, I need to have a lot of money. I think I need to get more jobs.